[TRANS] Fanreports from TONE Fukui Con 120310

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
[TRANS] Fanreports from TONE Fukui Con 120310
[120310 Fukui] There was a granny attending ..
the concert. She seemed to be a Yunho fan, cutely had makeup on, and called out any number of times, “Yunho~! Yunho~!” She seemed to be having a lot of fun…thanks to Yunho, this granny was very happy. ^^ [120310 Fukui] There was a boy, probably an elementary school student attending the concert. He was very diligently swinging his penlight around, calling out “Yunho~! Changmin~!” Often he called out “So cool!” and jumped to the rhythm of the music.
[120310 Fukui] There was a couple attending the concert together. The boyfriend kept calling out “Yunhooooooooooo~~!!!” and “Yunho~~~~~!! So coooooooolllll~~~!!!!”
[120310 Fukui] YH: This rotating stage is so nice~! It’s so nice! Occasionally becoming a squid is also so nice~~!
[120310 Fukui] Before the B&L segment—
YH: That person isn’t my type, but Changmin-
CM: *cuts in immediately* You’re not my type!
YH: That was fast…^^;;
[120310 Fukui] B&L segment—
Hominho versions again!
Version 1
Changmin approached Yunho first, but he seemed to really hate doing it! But even though Yunho cried out “don’t~!” he still looked incredibly happy as Changmin got closer and closer to him. Wonder what that was about…:P
Version 2
As Yunho was approaching Changmin…
YH: Heh heh heh~
CM: There’s no need to laugh like that…so…
YH: I’ll be right there~ heh heh heh…Changmin!!
[120310 Fukui] After the B&L segment—
YH: It’s everyone’s fault that we do this. Or…should I say, it’s thanks to everyone that we do this?
CM: *immediately* It’s EVERYONE’S FAULT that we do this, it’s definitely that one!!
Yunho…what are you trying to say…:P
[120310 Fukui] CM: The next song is— FANS: NOOOOOO, we don’t want that~~~!! CM: Please don’t act like spoiled children.
[120310 Fukui] Changmin seemed dissatisfied with the level of applause during their MC—
CM: Everyone, if you’re going to applaud, applaud, and if you’re not going to, don’t do it halfheartedly!!
FANS: *huge applause*
CM: It’s so fun to manipulate people like this~~! :D
[120310 Fukui] CM: Honestly, we’d like to be able to sing and perform from start to finish without doing a MC section, but since we’re both getting up there in age, our bodies have become worn-out. That’s why we sit and slowly do a MC section…it’s not for all of you, it’s for the two of us!!

~Translated and shared by hominfatale~
Shared by Korea.com

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