[SCAN + TRANS] 120409 JYJ featured in the Chilean magazine 13/20

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
April 9, 2012 · junmoshi
[Trans] JYJ: “We’ll always include Chile in our world tours”. 
With a spectacular show, the Korean group JYJ debuted in our country before thousands of fans who crowded Caupolican theatre. The concert was a dream come true and  here we revive it for you.
They came literally from the other side of the world, that’s why they caused such a great sensation in the national and regional media. But Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu, members of JYJ didn’t care about distance and they decided to travel to this long and narrow piece of land called Chile.
After a two-days flight -including a  flight delay in Los Angeles, USA- they arrived in Santiago in order to delight their thousands of fangirls and fanboys, who dreamt of seeing with their own eyes the amazing performance of the group, which they had surely enjoyed hundreds of times through Youtube.
The concert
On Friday 9th of March at 9pm, the lights turned off in the Caupolican, driving the audience to a state of excitement. The images of the boys projected on two big screens were the perfect prelude to the show. Soon after the first chords of “Empty”, JYJ appeared on stage with flaring red outfits. The hysteria of the fans mixed itself with the happiness of seeing them at only a few meters of distance.
The show continued with “Ayy Girl” and a remix of “Be My Girl”, being later interrupted by individual presentations. Fans were amazed by the songs “I Love You” (Yoochun), “I Will Protect You” (Jaejoong) and “Intoxication” (Junsu), especially by the last one as it was masterfully choreographed. The night kept going and the show intercalated songs with great videos -one of them filmed in Santiago- to save time and to change their outfit.
Despite linguistic barriers, the boys of JYJ were really eager to communicate with the audience, so together with two interpreters they made a emotional speech and they interacted with the fans. The response didn’t take long to come and among shouts and the classical “mijito rico” (T/N: meaning hot man), the girls asked for “la colita” (T/N: a dance). Although they were surprised, they accepted happily and they affirmed they had never been asked something like that before. They also confessed it was incredible to be in South America, that everything was like a dream and they were so amazed by the country that they made a promise: “We will always include Chile in our world tours.”
When everything seemed to come to an end, the group returned to stage and they made of the theatre a true electronic party. They sang and danced the remixes of “Get Out” and “Empty”, leaving everyone in the audience full of energy. The concert ended with a goodbye video and the fans didn’t move at all until it was over. Many of them started to cry desolately, without realising the Kpop phenomenon is going to be on for some time.
Music unites us
The same day JYJ arrived in Chile they gave a press conference in the Hotel W. Here you have the details about it.
- How did you feel with the fans welcoming you at the airport?
We had never travelled for so long, about two days. We learnt how difficult it is to arrive in a country in South America, but when we entered the airport and we saw all the fans, the tiredness disappeared immediately. Being in Chile we learnt people greet each other with a kiss on the cheek, at the airport a fan came to say hi and he was bigger than me so, I couldn’t do anything.
- Do you think K-pop will manage to enter the Latin American market despite the idiomatic barriers?
In our country, pop is recognised no matter what language they sing in. Music is a language which unites us everyone, then rhythm and passion are true feelings. I think it is possible.
- After this world tour, what is next for JYJ?
Latin America is the end of our world tour. We don’t know the exact time but in June, July, in summertime in Korea, we are planning on releasing our second album. We think that at the end of 2012 we will start our new tour.
- You are working on your next album. Are you thinking on including some song in Spanish?
I appreciate a lot your question. In our history as a group we have made songs in Japanese or English, so we think we will include some day songs in Spanish, what will help us to learn and understand this language a bit more.

Source: Magazine 13/20
Translated by:
Junmoshi of JYJ3
Shared by: JYJ3

Please don’t alter the credits

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