[NEWS] 121113 JYJ’s Jae Joong says, “It’s hard to be charismatic”

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

JYJ’s Jae Joong recently shot the film Jackal is Coming, which will be released on November 15. It’s a story about a ruthless top celebrity and a female killer who tries to kill him.
Jae Joong says, “I’ve had a charismatic image for a long time, so I chose this film because my character is quite comical. I was worried if I could do well at first, but it was fun.”
Regarding his charismatic image, Jae Joong says, “It’s actually hard to be charismatic. Charismatic characters are harder to portray.”
Jae Joong also says he doesn’t want to look charismatic. He says, “I wish people think of a a variety of images when they look at me. When people see that my actual personality is quite different from the charismatic image seen on TV, they usually say they haven’t expected it. I want to change that impression. That’s why I always try to do new things. I tried to portray different characters in drama series and in this film, as well.”
Jae Joong says he wants to portray an evil character next time. He says, “Such a character might not be a lead character, but I want to do if I get a chance.”

Source: StarNews
Credit: en.korea
Shared by: JYJ3

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