During the episode of KBS 2TV’s ‘Our Neighborhood’s Master of Variety and Sports’ that aired on the 6th of August, the celebrity team set off to the Gangwon Province for an intensive training session.
Max Changmin was smacked in the mouth by an oar while being rocked by a strong current during the team’s river-rafting competition. Because of this, the area around Max Changmin’s lips swelled significantly.
However, Max Changmin received basic first aid treatment and returned to participate in all of the planned activities. While the others were enjoying lunch, he left to get ointment rubbed onto the affected area.
Though it was difficult for Max Changmin to talk because of the swelling, he used his dogged determination to help his duo get a decisive victory in the following badminton match. During their talk sessions, he did his best to participate in the conversation, despite his injury, instead of sitting out.
Source: [newsen]
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