[TRANS/PIC] 120327 JYJ Featured on Argentinian Magazine TU (April Issue)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
March 27, 2012 · ceskjj
 JYJ, the South Korean boyband, on their visit to Chile and Peru, closed their 2012 World tour with an amazing concert. They opened the show singing the song “Empty.” One of their members Junsu, spoke very well in spanish, they interacted with the audience and they looked very happy because the public sang their songs in korean.
Additionally, the members looked surprised when they noticed the lot of fanboys at the concert. During the show there was an exhibition with differents images of their arrive to Chile and Peru. Now they are going back to Korea to continue with their schedule, but they promised to come back. We hope Argentina to be included in their next World Tour. Fighting!

Source: Magazine TU
Translated by: Loly@MyDestinyArgentina.com & YooHye@MyDestinyArgentina
Shared by: MyDestinyArgentina.com YoosuStorm.com + JYJ3

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