[RUMOUR CONTROL] Recent Events Involving Acgae Fans within the JYJ Fandom

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dear readers,
We are very saddened by recent incidents within our JYJ fandom that has undeniably caused confusion and misunderstanding among JYJ fans. Given that the issue has escalated to a point that it has, sadly, caused rifts between fans, we think it would be irresponsible for us to remain silent and ignore the issue as if it doesn’t exist.   
The purpose of this post is to share information, and debunk malicious rumours being spread by certain fans. Just like in the past, we reported about Hotel Fans (Anti Fans of JYJ) spreading malicious rumours about JYJ.  This time, we are reporting malicious rumors created by some acgae fans that allegedly involve Yoochun, Jaejoong and C-Jes. [A/N: "Acgae Fans" are malicious one member/person fans, not to be confused with "individual member fans"]
Recent Incidents and Malicious Rumors:
On June 7, a post was made at Park Yoochun DC Gall that Yoochun was offered 30 CFs but was rejected by C-JeS because of someone or something.  Acgae fans complained that C-JeS rejected these CF offers for Yoochun in favor of more [JYJ] group CFs. The acgaes blamed both Junsu and Jaejoong, but most of the anger was fueled toward Jaejoong with acgaes saying he is jealous of Yoochun or that he is simply being selfish. Allegedly, Park Sang Ho, who is Yoochun’s manager and now is in charge of managing JYJ, was named by these acgae fans as the source of this information. Subsequently, Park Sang Ho confirmed, through a recorded conversation with a site admin, that the CF issue had no relation to Jaejoong at all. [A/N" We'd like to emphasize that these actions were made by acgae fans, i.e. malicious fans, and not all fans within the YC fandom]
- This rumor was not contained immediately in the fansite, and as a result, were spread to different fansites. Some acgae fans, unfortunately,believed this rumor and attacked Jaejoong on different fansites and sent direct mentions to Jaejoong on twitter calling him selfish and blaming him for the CFs being called off. Why? Allegedly, some of the CFs were taken from Yoochun and given to Jaejoong. Until now, some acgae fans continue to demand that Jaejoong apologize to Yoochun, and ask him to return the CF deals. Additionally, more malicious rumours are being created by acgae fans, such as “all the previous JYJ CF deals were all done thanks to Yoochun’s popularity.”
- Some Yoochun fans also sent angry messages to Yoochun on twitter, voicing out their disagreement of his rejection of the CF deals.
- Some malicious fans started to spread this rumor in the international fandom via twitter.  It then quickly spread to Chinese and Japanese fandoms and later to the international fandom. This resulted to people sending hateful messages to Jaejoong and C-JeS via acgae fansites, weibo and twitter.
- @Beyondmonica (Staff of C-JeS) is currently receiving a lot of criticism on behalf of CJeS. Many fans are expressing their discontent on how CJeS is handling this incident, that allegedly also involves a manager of C-JeS (Park Sang Ho).
- On June 8, a day after the rumors started from PYC Gallery, PYFU, (Park Yoochun Fan Union), announced through the statement published below that they have discussed the rumor with C-JeS entertainment, and information gathered through that discussion is stated in the statement below:
 - On June 12, given that the rumours affected Jaejoong, and nothing has been done to clear Jaejoong’s name, and because this incident has opened up questions with regards to the relationship between fans and C-Jes/ alleged sharing of information by C-Jes personnel (i.e. the CF issue allegedly was from a C-jes Manager), JFU (Jaejoong Fan Union) sent this letter of inquiry:
 On June 14, JYJ Fan Union  (DNBN, JYJ19, Ikadong and Nameless Home) Release their Statement:

The above-described incidents have caused confusion and division among JYJ fans.  We express our deep disapproval of those acgae fans that started these malicious rumours that, intentionally or unintentionally, pitted JYJ fans against each other.
We urge our readers to be more discerning of information being spread throughout the fandom and exercise careful judgement, even if these information comes from known fansites or fansite admins.  At the end of the day, we are all equally just fans. As such, don’t take those information as if they are the absolute truth.  Before believing such information, ask yourself again and again, if that information makes sense.  
The JYJ fandom has received many shocking news and malicious rumours before, but we have always confronted them together. This time it hit us hard/deeply and the worst consequence is that incidents like this threatens the unity of the JYJ Fandom.  Due to the increasing solo activities of Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu, given the current incident, it is alarming that more and more incidents like this may occur in the future. Not all ‘individual fans’ or ‘fansites’ should be seen as malicious fans, however, there are rotten apples in every fandom, specifically acgae fans who promotes their bias at the expense of others/another.  Readers, this isn’t the first rumour instigated by acgae fans, nor is this the first time we’ve seen discord between fans, so please, be more cognizant of the true intentions of certain fans/ fansites with information that they disseminate. And, again, exercise careful judgement before believing certain information, or rumours passed on as “truth”.
Lastly, we ask all the fans to please be responsible for their actions and words. We ask biased fans not to promote their bias at the expense of another. Sometimes we forget who are our enemies. Don’t we have enough obstacles ahead of us without adding more? Do you really believe that attacking one member will help your bias? The great losers of this battle are JYJ and their fans.. You are only achieving what Antis, SM and AVEX have failed all this time to accomplish… Kill JYJ and their fandom. Please reconsider your behavior.
Thanks for your attention,
JYJ3 Team

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