[VIDEO+TRANS] 120703 Channel V: JYJ’s Junsu Asia Tour in Taiwan

Thursday, July 5, 2012

—– TRANS —–
Hi everyone, thank you for watching tonight’s episode of Just Love JK.
8 years after JYJ member Junsu debuted, this is the first time he came to Taiwan for solo activities.
Just Love JK, will show many exciting footages to everyone
At the beginning of this program, we will have a look at Kim Junsu who has recently came to Taiwan
Junsu! What we see right now is Junsu’s solo album
What do you have in your hand?
In my hand is the cover of his CD
It looks like it has a lacy feel to it
Right, it looks very pretty
Also look at the picture he took this time, it’s different from the Junsu we know in the past
Did you know, this album’s sales is super good
In Korea, his entire sales volume already surpassed 120,000.
Also I hear it happened in a very short time period right?
Right! Also he was ranked 10th on Billboard’s worldwide rankings.
This time with the release of his album, also coming to Taiwan to hold a concert
To all JYJ fans, this is a very happy thing.
Also his concert tickets were sold out within short 30 minutes
3500 tickets all sold out
That’s right that’s right.
What makes everyone very surprised is also 80% of this album was composed by Kim Junsu himself.
Also, I remember last time Jaejoong also came to Taiwan. Right?
When Jaejoong came to Taiwan, a lot of fans asked him to sing
What song? Sing the song he wrote for Junsu
Inside includes this song
Also this time, we see… Do you know Junsu has a twin?
His twin brother, also helped him write lyrics for songs in this album
I think this is great, it is older brother writing songs for younger brother
Right, I always had a dream that I have a twin brother. Don’t you wish for that?
Twins not so much, but I always dreamed of having a younger brother. Because I have a younger sister and an older brother, so I want a younger brother. Because I can ask him to do anything for me. haha~
Isn’t your younger brother always by your side?
Right, but he feels like an assistant
So everyone, we will see the footages of Junsu in Taiwan, as well as his concert, and our special report for everyone for Junsu’s visit this time to Taiwan.
Junsu came to Taiwan on the 22nd, he debuted 8 years ago, this is the first time for him to release a solo album and start his concert tour.
Junsu: Hi everyone, I am XIAH, long time no see (A/N: He said this in Chinese!!! *squeals*)
Junsu revealed at the press conference that he really missed the pearl tea from Taiwan
Junsu was really corporative, he would eat all the food the MC introduced without questioning it.
*press conference footage of Junsu eating*
After eating all the good food, of course he has to drink the pearl tea that he couldn’t forget
*press conference footage of Junsu explaining his filming of Tarantallegra MV, his kiss in Elisabeth, and him as a pretty girl for the MV*
This time Junsu visited Taiwan during the Duanwu Festival, and the organizers prepared some Zongzi for him.
His visit this time to Taiwan, he got to eat, drink, and received gifts.
On the day of the concert
It couldn’t be without fan support activities for the idol
Let’s take a look at how this group of fans supports Kim Junsu
Fan: This time we made our own fans, towels. For Junsu’s concert this time, we especially made a Q version of Junsu. To provide support for his concert this time. We also have activities inside. Also everyone took a picture with a live size poster of Junsu, and we collected all the pictures, and we will bring it to Korea and give it to Junsu’s parents, who will then give to Junsu. We limited this to 500 pictures.
We also worked with other fanclubs to send roses. As well as XIAH NO. 1
To provide support for Junsu, there were fans that day that stamped XIAH on their body
Because of his mom and Junsu’s nickname as “peach”, this time fans prepared these peach packages for him. They hope Junsu could be very healthy
What was really touchy was on the day, there was a fan that suffered a car accident that came to the concert disregarding her foot injury, she had to go to the concert to provide her support for Junsu.
Fan: I originally wanted to save money to go to Korea to watch his musical, because I believe Junsu shines in the musical. As his fan, I have to go support him! But, because of the car accident, I wasn’t able to go.
Reporter: So this time even if your foot is injured, you still have to come watch his concert?
Fan: Because he rarely comes to Taiwan, and it’s his first solo concert. So no matter what I told my mom “I’ll crawl there if I have to!” I have to come see him. Luckily my parents were very supportive. And other fans also helped me. So I successfully came to the venue.
Hope Junsu’s concert today will bring her strength for her to recover her foot injury. Hope this fan will get well soon.
Junsu’s fans abroad is a huge number too. On this days, fans from which countries came? Japan, Korea, Shanghai (mainland China)
*fan explains about the banner*
Junsu, you are really charismatic. The concert is about to start, let’s give him a couple words of support.
Fan: Junsu, I believe in all of your choices, you just have to do well in the things you want to do, you will do it to the best. I will always believe in you, and always support you, always love you, Junsu Fighting!
*Fans (and fanboy) show support for Junsu – Junsu fighting!*
Yay! Junsu’s concert started.
*footage of the concert*
Then it is the song his good friend Kim Jaejoong wrote for you “No Gain”
*Junsu singing No Gain*
On the day of the concert, he worked hard in performing, when he was greeting the fans, he almost couldn’t catch his breathe.
Junsu: Hi everyone, I am Xia, long time no see. I really miss you all (A/N: all in chinese! I’m impressed )
That day, Junsu’s parents also came to the concert, to support their son. What does everyone think of Junsu’s performance this time?
*fans saying Junsu’s the best*
Fan: Junsu, I’ll wait for you to come again next time~
We’ll see you again at the next concert.

Credit: CSJYJ02 + JYJ3
Translated by: sharingyoochun.net

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