[FAN ACCOUNT] 121023 Compilation of Tweets from Jaejoong Fanmeeting in Bangkok, Thailand

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

  • Organizer just announced that fans wearing shirts from other bands unrelated to JYJ will not be allowed up on stage (Cr: Lookkaew_SK)
  • Thousands of fans are queuing to meet Kim Jaejoong  (Cr: 3rebelangels)

  • Fans are still entering the venue. Royal anthem’s already been played. “Get out” as BG music right now – we’re abt to start (Cr: Lookkaew_SK)
  • Teaser is up there!!! >_<~ So cute!!!  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ is coming with smile on his face with Ost. Dr. Jin  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ came out singing “Living like a Dream” in full-on suit!! >_< (Cr: Lookkaew_SK)

  • He finished the sad song with lovely smile  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • MC asked JJ to greet us “Sawaddee Krub” “I know that you are missing me”  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ “Haven’t seen you for awhile, you all are one year older right? Me too but I try to look younger.”  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • MC “Every member in JYJ is already here except you, you know that everyone is waiting right?” JJ “If JS is here, u r going to say the same?”  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ put the stool of the translator to sit next to him and said it’s because he couldn’t hear her much ><~  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • MC said JJ got very red lips and the microphone is so close to JJ, anyone wants to do the auction? JJ also raised hands lol (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • MC: He’s truly the most handsome man in Asia JJ: *shakes hand* I know you said that when YC and JS came as well! (Cr: Lookkaew_SK)
  • JJ: What I like about Thai fans are their passion but also kind. Also I like when you speak Thai. The language got nice nasal sound. (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • MC said JJ should get Thai girlfriend and u have 5000 fans now. JJ “having 5000 girlfriends would make me got older too fast” LoL  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ can speak Thai “one two three” and “Check bill Krub”  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • Q: What do you do w/ other members JJ: Having meals, nothing special just be together. Eating 3 hours per times because that is so fun.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • Q: What YC and JS is doing now? JJ: JS is playing game and football. YC is filming drama, eating. We are too lazy than you think!  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • MC: Why did you get a bowl-cut (hair cut)? JJ: I wanted to look young :) (Cr: Lookkaew_SK)
  • Q: Where is the inspiration while composing a song? JJ: Past memories and love, the most important.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • Q:When would we can hear your or JYJ album? JJ: Next spring. MC: We don’t have spring in Thailand, only hot, hotter and mansoon. JJ laugh XD  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • MC: What’s JS up to right now? JJ: Playing games and playing soccer. That’s all he does LOL (Cr: Lookkaew_SK)
  • Q: (from fan) Have you ride the elephant? JJ: ahhhhh, havent done that, just only ride camel and horse.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • Q: (from fan) Miss us, don’t you? JJ: Of course, when YC got Fanmeeting here, I was so jealous!  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • Q: (from fan) Can JJ come here more often? JJ: I used to say that this is the country I want to stay as I’m older. U won’t like me then.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • MC: u will be the most handsome old man and got many wives. JJ laugh and said “I should start exercise more” XD  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • Q: Which superhero would you like to be? JJ: Iron Man, because he didn’t really have super power but built things his own.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • Q: Pls say sth to Thai fans JJ: Concentrate on your study, eat 3 meals a day, it’s hot here but keep exercise. Also love me more. >< (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ: I wanted to come live in Thailand when I get really old, but… by then I wouldn’t be handsome anymore. Will you wait? (Cr: Lookkaew_SK)
  • 5th Q: supportive messages? JJ: staying in school, eat 3 nutritious meals, exercise, don’t drink or smoke…. (Cr: Lookkaew_SK)
  • JJ: It doesn’t matter if you get older and get married. Just bring your husbands and kids to the concert! ^^ (Cr: Lookkaew_SK)
  • 5 Lucky fans will get on stage, JJ is counting fans in Thai ><~ So cute!!!  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ: I’ll love you guys forever… because your happiness is my happiness (Cr: Lookkaew_SK)
  • Game w/ Fans: Fans do gesture and let JJ guess what 10 words are.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • Fans: Rak na ka (Love you) // JJ: Me too krub (JJ said to fan in English and Thai)  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ got right words on Kim Yuna, dog, Muay Thai (Thai Boxing)… ><~  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ can’t guess the word “Nintendo” he was complaining lol.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • Fan did angel pose and JJ can guess right away!!! It’s “Junsu”!!!  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • Fan shows her forehead. JJ: “Yuchun” XD right!!!  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • Lol. The fan points at her forehead and JJ shouted Yoochunnnnn!!! Hahaha! Correct! (Cr: rubypurple_fan)
  • 5 Fans on stage got handshake and hug ><~  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ: Sorry that I didn’t guess every word correctly, but if I can guess all right, I must get so stressful! Lol  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ changed to grey suit! Still very very handsome. ><~  (Cr: 3rebelangels)

  • Q: Kim Kyang Tak has any similarity to real JJ? JJ: Nothing at all. KYT is very cool. He scarifies himself for other but I don’t lol  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ: That was in drama but in real life, you have to think of yourself too. I am realistic guy.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ: The dressing in that drama was si heavy and different saying style, that’s why it’s hard.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ: I said this many times that I am not handsome, just different from other. MC: you are voted as the most different guy in Asia. Lol  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • MC: Pls don’t look into my eyes, I am a sensitive guy. JJ: I am also sensitive. lol  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • Talking about Protect the Boss, acting. MC: Do u still remember 1st filming day? JJ: Exciting, very exciting, couldn’t think of anything  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • MC: Do you feel uncomfortable to play such perfect role, rich, smart? JJ: It’s hard because I am not perfect, not that rich.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • MC: How did ur member comment on your acting? JJ: They didnt say much, just it is ok  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ: Both of them didn’t praise much nor complain because they want to give me courage to keep acting.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ: I got many scripts on hand but haven’t decided which role should I take.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • (Showed JJ cooking clip in PtB) JJ: Watching the clip one more time, I am so good! (at cooking) XD lol  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
  • JJ proudly said while watching himself cook in PTB: ahh. I’m really good at cooking! Then he laughs lol  (Cr: rubypurple_fan)
  • 5 lucky fans were picked, but only 4 were allowed on stage. Dress code problem…(Cr: Lookkaew_SK)
  • JJ is going to cook KimBap for 4 lucky fans ><~ JJ “You are going to taste the paradise, but please don’t expect much!”  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • He said to the fan: you will now taste heaven!!! Pauses… Pls dont get disappointed. Lol. (Cr: rubypurple_fan)
    • JJ “You’d better go to the toilet” lol JJ announced the seat by himself in Thai.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • JJ seems so proud of his cooking skill. He said “I am quite great man at cooking”  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • JJ: “To be great cook, it depends on hands and love.” JJ is wearing aphron. JJ: “Actually you don’t need this much cooking KimBup”  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • Fan: Make it your best! JJ: Krub (Yes)  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • Fanboy on stage: “Jaejoong, Rak na Krub” (Love JJ) JJ gave him a hug! XD   (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • Fanboy: JJ, I love you *fans scream* JJ went in for a hug and said thank you while cutely pointing his fingers (Cr: Lookkaew_SK)
    • JJ is cooking right now. He tells the instruction of every step to fans. JJ: “If put much rice as much as our love, this will torn apart.”  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • He did it neatly and tasted the first piece “Delicious!!” Then, he put to fans mouths by himself ><  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • JJ actually fed kimbap to the lucky fans’ lips with his own hands!! >_<  (Cr: Lookkaew_SK)
    • MC teasingly complained abt not getting kimbap, so JJ started feeding MC, translator, lighting guys and cameraman!!  (Cr: Lookkaew_SK)
    • JJ is so cute and kind. He also gave KimBap to MC, translator, camera man, electrician on stage. MC said we rarely met such kind superstar!  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • JJ gave the last piece of KimBap to a camera man down the stage! So cute ><~  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • He announced 3 lucky draw fans. He tried to speak in Thai for every seat numbers.   (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • Game on stage: looking into the eyes of each other. Fan won over JJ.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • Next game: Peeling sausage. JJ vs Fan. JJ is so fast!!! Fan is taking so much time. But JJ lost! Lol (He peeled it very gently X))  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • Haha! Next is peeling off sausages. We all know who won! JJ of course!…And JJ tried to slow down but he still won in the end  (Cr: rubypurple_fan)
    • 3rd game: Pushing hands. JJ won ><~ All 3 lucky fans got couple polaroid pictures with JJ.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • Push hands is the game. The one who gets out of balance wins. Palm to palm with JJ~ gahh lucky fans!!! (Cr: rubypurple_fan)
    • We opened the clip for Jaejoong and did project for JJ, MC was crying. JJ gave him towel to shed tear and said “Dont cry, pls do ur job.” XD  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • JJ also prepared us surprise, he will gave roses to everyone in the hall!!!  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • All roses on stage now will wait for us at the door, fans can pick one. JJ “The VTR is so fun and touching at the end”  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • JJ “I didn’t think we could get 5000 roses on time but 411 helped on time, pls keep them as representative of my heart. Pls keep them  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • JJ took pic w/ whole hall, now he is singing OST. Protect the Boss. As Final act T.T  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • The Fanmeeting is coming to the end.  (Cr: 3rebelangels)
    • The fanmeet went overtime but everyone including JJ did not notice because everyone is having fun! (Cr: rubypurple_fan)

    Credit: 3rebelangels, Lookkaew_SK, rubypurple_fan
    Source: JYJ3

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