[FANACCOUNT] JYJ in Peru: “The end of a chronicle; a wonderful dream becoming true”

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
March 19, 2012 · JYJ3 Team

Lima, 13-03-2012
by Shuheilove of JYJ3
How to start; I can’t find the right words although my heart is a storm of feelings.  Today, something is missing……… No, someone is missing…….  There’s a big empty space into my heart……… They left that space when they went away…….  I can’t explain exactly why but I miss them a lot…….. You aren’t going to believe this but I even went to the Jockey Plaza Mall today, the last place they visited and I ate my lunch sitting in the very same chair Junsu was sat 24 hours before; the place where he took that pic he tweeted………….
Maybe it’s because I don’t know when I’m going to be able to meet them live again……  Maybe that means I really love them.  It doesn’t matter if I am an anonymous person to them; if I am a flower in the morning breeze.  I am here and I really am attached to them.  It’s not a caprice, it’s not that they’re gorgeous, it’s not that I just like their voices; they are now a part of me; a part of my life.  It doesn’t matter if some bad intended people try to make them look as evil and arrogant artists; that only mean they are humans, and I love them for being humans with both qualities and flaws because that makes them authentic, and I love and accept them exactly as they are.
Let’s go back in time to the last Saturday when they arrived to Lima.  In the morning I went to the explanada with my daughter and my friends and in the afternoon I went to Miraflores.  I’m not going to explain the details but since the beginning I wanted to buy an “Alpaca” sweater for my baby and there’s a wonderful store in the first floor of the Marriot Hotel where JYJ were hosts.  I went there and I was looking at the sweaters and the handicrafts when my girl told me someone was coming.  Inside the building, things were peaceful and when I came by the store’s door, there was Yoochun looking a little lost. He looked so beautiful and peaceful that I wasn’t able to ask him for an autograph.  I decided to let him be and to keep that wonderful moment in my mind forever.  Even though, I asked him if he was lost and he answered “I am waiting for the elevator” showing me the sweetest smile in the world.  Then the elevator arrived and he took it.  I finished my shopping and I had to go to the lobby in the second floor to talk to the concierge.  When the elevator opened its door, I stepped out.  I talked to the miss and I had to wait for a few minutes so I decided to sit in the living room.  I was there distracted when some of the dancers appeared in the room and they were chatting happily.  After a few minutes, Malik Yousef appeared too, and he was also chatting.  Almost the whole staff were there; wonderful magic moment.  Then I finished my errand and I left the hotel with a huge smile and a bright face and we went for pizza, but that’s another story.
On Sunday morning we went to the explanada to help with the distribution of some stuff to support Jaejoong.  The line was huge by then and the weather was very hot.  We ended up all sweaty and exhausted but fortunately I brought my umbrella to protect our heads from the sun.  One of my friends ended up sunstroke and the other sunburn like a fried chicken; the sacrifices we make for our men.  We went back to the hotel, which is located close to the explanada, to get ready for the concert.  Since the stage was organized in such way that everybody would be able to have a great view, there was no need to camp.
In the afternoon we left the hotel by 04:45 pm.  We were more than ready for the concert and full of expectations.  When we got there, the line was surrounding the block.  By 06:00 approximately, JYJ arrived to the explanada in a van which passed by our side and we waved to them.  After 2 ½ endless hours waiting in line, we entered the venue at last.
The place was full and we had to separate because my friends had VIP tickets and both my baby and I had SVIP and although the place was full, surprisingly the SVIP section had a lot of room and was comfortable enough to avoid pushing and stomping.  We waited for a few minutes and by 08:10 the concert started……… ¡YES!!
Three dark shadows appeared in the stage and we listened to “Empty” music, and there were JYJ IN RED.  We saw Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu while they were singing “Girl I swear I never going through this again……..”  ¡What a vision!!  At last the dream was becoming true…. ¡YEAH!  Ok, I have to confess this: Everybody knows I am a surrendered Jaeharem and ¡GOD! Jaejoong was looking gorgeous with his muscled arms exposed and his beautiful face showing a sweet smile; Yoochun, ¡Oh dear! How handsome and manly is he, but the one who captured my eye was…. ¡JUNSU! He looked as I never had seen him before; extremely sexy and gorgeous with his red outfit glued to his yummy body, his chest, his shoulders, his muscled arms and his tummy exposed and his blond hair like fire. He was in front of me moving his hips in a delicious way and all I was able to say was ¡OH MY GOD!!  And that was all for me.  Although I was looking and drooling at the three of them moving their hips and singing like angels, my eyes were stuck to Junsu and I kept looking for him all the time since then.  They were close to me, no more than 10-12 feet and when they walked over the runway, they were even closer and that was like a piece of heaven on earth to feel such happiness and extreme emotion.  My JYJ men were in front of me at last, being sexy, naughty and sweet at the same time, and taking my breath away minute by minute.
As an adult woman with responsibilities, I behaved properly all the time and to be honest, that wasn’t a problem.  To express ones emotions is not necessary to act like a crazy teenager, besides somehow my mind and thoughts were clearer and centered by that moment.  I was able to appreciate Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu as they are; gorgeous, sexy, sweating vital energy through every pore of their precious skin and with sweet naughty smiles over their faces.  They sang and danced in a hot and tasty way, I can’t remember the exact order but “Ayyy Girl” was the second song and I was waiting for Malik to do the rapping but he never appeared, LOL.  “Be my girl” with Junsus’s delicious hip thrusts with the audience screaming insanely; Yoochun’s solo “I love you” with the sexy dancers touching him and dancing in a provocative way around him; “Be the one” which I really meant to be while singing it and looking at my stunning and yummy JYJ men; “Fallen Leaves” precious and meaningful; “Chajatta” with its soft and sweet sound; “In Heaven”, absolutely wonderful to hear them singing it live, their harmonies and their great voices mixed in one with their feelings blossoming in the stage; “Mission”, which rhythm I love and I enjoyed it to the top specially the “fuck off no more talk” part; “I.D.S.” wanting to deal scenario with them; “Pierrot”, feeling like a puppet in JYJ’s hands because by that moment they were able to do what they wanted to me and I couldn’t resist them; “Get Out”, with the strong lyrics and the outstanding choreography (I love Jung Gun Young) and “Empty remix” as the final song to close the concert.
Everything happened in a few seconds for me; it was like a rollercoaster and the time literally flew in a blink of my eyes.  Despite all the inconveniencies with the ears and bows over some heads and the JYJ fan that the girl in front of me insisted in lifting up blocking my view, I enjoyed JYJ’s concert greatly.  My baby was smiling from ear to ear and she kept saying “thank you mommy, I’m having the greatest time in my life. I will never forget these moments”; that was the best.  Two dreams became true that night: Meeting Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu live and giving my daughter the best and unforgettable fifteen years gift ever.  She always liked Junsu the most but now she said after the concert she doesn’t know who she likes the most among the three because they are equally beautiful before her eyes, and to be honest, before my eyes too.  I will never forget the beauty of Chun’s face and his sweetness; Jaejoong’s gorgeousness and his lovely, tender and true smile which lightens his face; and Junsu’s hotness that I hadn’t imagine to be like this in reality, his inner tiger unleashed in front of my eyes. The sad thing is it has to come to an end sometime, and it ended that night on March 11 / 2012 by 10:00 but it will remain in our minds and hearts forever, and also in my video camera because I managed to record almost all the concert in it, even their words to us. I was laughing at Chun’s obvious question “Guys, I am curious; how did you meet us?”  And the answer “Through the internet”, oh dear, but of course, how else?  It was very funny but I can understand JYJ’s curiosity because out of nowhere they had an enormous amount of South American fans without noticing it.  They also seemed to be pleased with the fanboys attending the concert; they even asked them to shout.  Magical moments to treasure in our souls.
Before finishing the whole JYJ adventure in Lima, I have something else to say. My friends flew back home on Monday and they decided to leave early to the airport with the secret hope of meeting JYJ there, but we didn’t knew their flight was scheduled in the midnight and they were going to ride Lima that day.  I stayed with my baby and a lovely Dominican friend and we decided to do some shopping because we needed some gifts for our families so we went to the Jockey Plaza Mall.  We visited the place and had lunch and we bought some stuff.  When we were leaving and about to take a taxi, my friend said: “My camera, my camera”.  Both my baby and I were looking at her thinking maybe she had lost it somewhere, but nooooo. Suddenly, there were Koreans passing by my side and I could recognize the dancers, the choreographer, the hair stylist and Malik Yousef.  The whole staff were there entering the mall but sadly, with all the things we had bought, we couldn’t stay with them.  Later we saw Junsu’s and Yoochun’s tweets; they were at the mall too stepping the floor and visiting the places we had visited earlier that day. We decided to play our last card and we went to the Marriot.  There were about 30 – 40 girls outside and I could recognize some faces which I had seen in the Peruvian fan videos. A few minutes later the bus arrived and the staff stepped down and Yoochun and Junsu after them. We shouted “hello” and they entered the building fast.  That was the last time I saw them in flesh and bones.  Sadly, Jaejoong wasn’t with them. Someone said on twitter he was skating, but I’m not so sure about that. I think he wasn’t feeling good by that moment, my poor boy, too many responsibilities and worries over his young shoulders. And that was all; they departed that night leaving a hollow place in our hearts but at the same time, leaving us with the satisfaction of a fulfilled goal and the happiness of meeting them as they are in reality; gorgeous, sexy and adorable human beings owners of amazing talents.  And my own wishes: To continue supporting and loving them no matter the issues of their past, their present or their future because, as I said before, they are humans after all and I love and understand them for being and behaving like authentic humans because that makes them even more precious to me.
P.D. I don’t want to keep this to myself.  That’s how I saw them at the concert:
Jaejoong: Beautiful from head to toe, sexy but sweet at the same time, full of energies and wanting to give everything in the stage.  His muscled arms and his yummy chest; a feast to the eye.
Yoochun:  How beautiful is his face; how manly and attractive is him. He was flirting all the time. The perfect balance between a gentleman and a rascal, oh yeah.
Junsu: Oh dear, I almost fainted. He was exuding sensuality when he stepped the stage. I was able to look at him as a man; gorgeous and captivating. His body, perfect and delicious. I can say now he is thinner than Jaejoong, but his charming butt is still there hard as a rock, and…. ¡what a rock!!  He looked fierce and self-confident.
Now, I don’t know who I like the most because they all are absolutely stunning in their own way.

Credit/Tip: Shuheilove
Shared by: JYJ3

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