[REPORT] Japanese fans request the freedom of JYJ in Japan

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
March 20, 2012 · JYJ3 Team
T/N: Read more about Japanese Fans: “Petition to demand for JYJ to have freedom in Japanese activities” 


March 10, 20,140 signatures were recollected. Thank you to everyone for your active cooperation.
March 13, the document was sent to CJes attorney’s representative of the trial with AVEX.
March 16, I called the lawyer to confirm the arrival of the document.
(There seems to be an incorrect information that will be submitted to the court of Japan from a Korean lawyer, for example the name of an unrelated lawyer has been cited…The information was corrected)
The recollection of signatures was able thanks to the effort of everybody, in 24 hr. we recollected 5000 signatures and 10,000 signatures in 48 hr. So until the 10th we recollected 20,140 signatures, which was over 200% of our goal, unfortunately we had to remove the anonymous signatures and signatures with nicknames, so only 19,813 signatures were validated.

Source: Graceful JJ Blog
Translated by: Warmi of JYJ3
Shared by: JYJ3

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