[INFO] 120609 XIA 1st Asia Tour in Taiwan Seat Plans & Ticket Annnouncement

Monday, June 11, 2012

Date: 2012.06.23 (Sat)
Time: PM19:00~
Venue: National Taiwan University Sports Center
Ticket Price: 2500/ 3300 / 4500/ 4800 / 5600 (NT Dollars)
Ticket Sales Date: 2012.06.10 (Sun)
Ticket Sales Time: PM17:00~
Ticket Sale Organization: ERA Ticket System
(Check sales points at: http://www.ticket.com.tw/points/ticket_points.asp)
Each person is limited to 4 tickets.
Entrance by ticket only. Tickets are viewed as value papers and thus, if lost, tickets will not be reissued. (Children need to purchase tickets and those under six years old are not allowed to enter.)
Ways to get tickets for the physically and mentally disabled:
If you wish to purchase, please send your booklet of the physically and
mentally disabled to Era Headquarters before 12:00 noon, June 11th.
Fax number: (02)2659-1403
The tickets are limited and are available while supplies last.
Cassiopeias who are going to the sales points can confirm their opening hours in advance. Other than sales points, internet sales is the alternative. Queuing overnight is not encouraged. Dear Cassiopeias, please be careful about your own safety.
For details, please go to www.ticket.com.tw, Era Ticket Sales System.
Heyford Entertainment 2012.06.09

Source: Heyford Entertainment Facebook Page
Translated By: mandragore of JYJ3
Shared By: JYJ3 

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