[VID + TRANS] 120615 Xia Junsu Press Conference In Jakarta

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

it took me 40 minutes to prepare for this look, but I’ve been sporting this style ever since 6 months ago.
I landed in Jakarta last night. I actually have always wanted to visit Indonesia, but since there are things that need to be done first, I’ve only got the chance now. This is my first visit to Indonesia; I’m very interested to look around Jakarta. and i will tell my friends about Indonesia after i get back to Korea.
To satisfy Indonesian Xiahpwas, Junsu admitted to have been studying Bahasa Indonesia. He gave his smiles and laugh often during the Press Conference. The man who just participated in the Musical Mozart and really fond of Soccer looks enthusiastic when talking about his new album.
The word “Tarantallegra” is very  unique, that’s why I chose the word. While I was writing for the song, someone suggested me to use ‘Tarantallegra’ . It is one of the spell in the “Harry Potter” Movie and so I match the makeup concept and everything else to be connected to it.
I’m always changing (t/n when asked about his idol) and after that, my idol is now Mozart.
I actually feel content with my career now, but if i could turn back the time, I would like to be a soccer player because I really like playing soccer. I’m just feeling very grateful with what I have now in my young age.
[Roni Sianturi (Promoter)]
The request is to bring one person, but the one who came was 30 people… (t/n vid cut off here)

Video Source: [MsJsane@Youtube]
Translated by: hikarinome@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net

do not remove credits

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