[NEWS] 120704 Exclusive Coverage: Xia Junsu’s 1st Asia Concert Tour Press Conference & Concert in Jakarta!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Indonesian fans of Xia Junsu were a lucky bunch as the singer held his 1st Asia Tour Concert for the very first time in Jakarta!
A lot of fans had turned up at the airport to greet Junsu upon his arrival. Junsu mentioned that he was pleasantly surprised by the huge turn up of fans at the airport.
Humbled by the attention he had been receiving, Junsu gave his flawless smile and waved to the cameras during the media photo taking session.
Junsu sat down with the media during the press conference held at Jitec Mangga Dua Square to discuss about his recent activities as well as the story behind his electrifying blue hair.
Q: About his first impression about Indonesia.
A: There were people welcoming me at the airport. I was so surprised that they welcomed me with such warmth even though I’m here alone (without JYJ members). Indonesia is a nice country with nice people!
Q: What would he do if he wasn’t a singer?
A: I have always love to play soccer, so I would like to be a soccer player. Not only becoming an amateur player, but I also would like to make it my professional career.
Q: About his passion towards soccer.
A: Soccer has been my favorite sport ever since I was a kid. Back in Korea, I am a member of FC Men which consists of fellow idols such as 2AM, Beast, and Kim Hyun Joong.
Q: About his electrified hair style.
A: I chose blue as it is a special color that represents my love towards my fans in Indonesia as Indonesia is known as an archipelagic country.
Q: What can fans expect from his show?
A: I will do my best to perform charismatically and put up a mind blowing show for the fans.
The press conference ended with Junsu thanking the media and expressed his hopes to be able to do another concert next time with his fellow JYJ members, Park Yoochun and Kim Jaejoong.


Fans had started gathering at Jitec Mangga Dua Square three hours before show time.
Thunderous screams can be heard from the fans as the charismatic singer, Xia Junsu appeared on stage wearing a blue outfit that matched his hair colour as the opening for the concert.
The concert lasted for approximately 90 minutes with Junsu belting out his hit songs such as “No Gain”, “Lullaby”, “Intoxication”, “Be My Girl”, and even songs from musicals he had participated in such as “The Last Dance”, “Why Don’t You Love Me”, and “I Am, I Am Music” complete with theatrical acts.
The highlight of the show was definitely when he tried to interact with the audience in Bahasa Indonesia. “Apa khabar? (How are you?) Saya Xia. (I’m Xia) Semua senang? (Everybody’s okay?)” he said in Bahasa Indonesia while smiling. Junsu went on by saying that he was delighted to be able to hold a concert in Indonesia and that he would also like to perform in Indonesia again, next time with his fellow JYJ members.

Junsu continued interacting with the audience and promised that he would fulfill 3 wishes from the fans.  The audience went wild as they cheered and shouted out their wishes. Junsu then showed his aegyo, which was one of the fans wishes. As expected, fans started screaming enthusiastically upon seeing his aegyo.
The concert came to an end after Junsu sang “Fallen leaves” as his encore song for the concert. Indonesian fans were definitely pleased and satisfied as they leave the concert venue, wanting to see more from the singer as well as his fellow JYJ members.

Written by: Lent & Nadia of SoKoreal
Pictures Taken by: Lent
Shared By: JYJ3 

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